Sunday, September 12, 2010

Have you forgotten?

Jenny Matlock

This week's prompt for the Saturday Centus is, as I saw it, and most others, in tribute to September 11th. 9 years later, the act, and breadth of pain it caused, are still unimaginable and unexplainable. 

Never Forget

The prompt is: I stood frozen in front of the flickering images on my TV. 

Same rules apply as usual. You must use the prompt as is, and your story should be 100 words or less, not including the prompt. This week however, we are allowed to post one picture. 

My entry is below, with the prompt used in bold. It's titled, How Can I Forget?.


How Can I Forget?

Every time my eyes close the nightmare returns. I can smell the dust of death and debris, feel the smoke burning my eyes, and hear the chaotic screams of pure horror and agonizing sorrow. After 9 years, I expected footage of that fateful day to replay on my TV as customary. I wasn't expecting to see home videos of my sister and I, and my mother crippling in anguish below them. 

As the sounds of our childhood laughter echoed, I stood frozen in front of the flickering images on my TV. My sister enlisted in the army after the attacks. She fought in Iraq and died in combat. 9/11's death count continues...


This was fictional but I did want to aim my Centus to remind us to not only pay tribute to those who died that day, but also all who died as a result. May 9/11's death toll end soon. 



  1. Very effective. Your writing had
    me gasping at end and I was
    moderately relieved it was fiction...for you at least.

  2. Well done ... there are so many aftereffects of 9/11 that remain uncounted in the official death toll.

  3. well written...chills were running down my spine...tears welled up...for your family Im so glad it was fiction...but the truth of that is real for so continues...Well Done

  4. This was fantastic. I was planning to do something similar, but you've done it much better than I ever could.

  5. What powerful fiction you shared here.

    I actually have goosebumps on my arms from the reality that this was indeed the truth for many families on and resulting from that world-changing event.

    Thank you for linking.

    Thank you for sharing the community of this remembrance.

  6. I still get emotional after all these years. Well done.~Ames

  7. I know this is fiction for you but you are right it is not fiction for so many. the reminder is wonderful.

  8. oh my goodness I did read it as real until I saw your bit underneath. That was great and a good tribute to those who were in that circumstance

  9. It seemed real to me, too. I was glad to read that it was fiction. But I know it was real for too many.


  10. Great fiction that seemed real to me! Yes, this is an aspect of 9/11 that we should think about. It's not over.
    Well done.
    Best wishes,

    Anna's SC-Remembering 9/11
